
Wednesday, May 14 Get free tutorials, downloads, news and references about Photography

Since it is my brother's birthday today, I am putting his website on spotlight. is only one of his many websites. You can see that the website has a simple layout but he told me that he is still working on the site appearance. has great free content for people who are into photography. It has information about cameras, lenses, photo editing, printers and accessories. As a member you can download free tutorials & references about photography. And if you are kind enough, you can share your tips and techniques with other photographers.

And why photography site? Simply because my brother is a frustrated photographer (hehehe)...well, kidding aside, he is self-studying photography right now. Take a look at some of his works:





So take a peek at so you can enhance your skills in photography.

Happy Birthday Bro and Goodluck on your new website!

(Note: My brother is also a freelance web/graphic designer, so if you want his services, simply contact me)

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